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Beautiful Makeup Transformations

by Nahla Naciri   ยท  9 years ago  

For some, putting on makeup is a chore. For others, it’s a little pleasure to offer yourself from time to time. For others again, it is a daily ritual, honed, rhythmic, automated. For these latter, make-up is an art, a way to sublimate or even transform.

Makeup transformations have started as a fun hobby to now a professional job. Makeup artist from all over the world have evolved in their career to offer the best looking and feeling to their clients.

Falsies, eyeshadow, eyeliner, foundation, highlighter, lipstick … all beauty products are used for incredible before / after transformations. Enlarged look, smooth complexion, erased wrinkles and luscious mouth: some women are simply unrecognizable.

If you’re fan of makeup you will definitely enjoy these incredible and stunning makeup transformations by the talented @ruveydanurdagli

the power of makeup
the power of makeup
the power of makeup
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations
makeup transformations

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