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10 No Pins Hijab Styles Using a Crinkled Scarf

by Nahla Naciri   ·  4 years ago  

Welcome back with a new hijab styling video featuring 10 no pins hijab styles and using a crinkled scarf fabric by @sarjeh.e 

Now as summer is approaching and the weather get hot, we barely support anything surrounding out head, so no pins hijab styles are much favored. However, if you ever decide to go with a no pins hijab look, you have to make the perfect hijab fabric choice, otherwise, it is a real challenge to keep your scarf fixed on your head.

We recommend jersey, viscose and crinkled hijab fabrics for these kind of hijab styles that require no pins. As a pro tip, always use an underscarf when trying a no pin hijab look just in case.

Below is a tutorial of 10 no pins hijab styles using a crinkled hijab fabrics which all can work with a jersey fabric as well.

If you enjoy wwearing hijab with no pins you might also like:

Everyday Jersey Hijab Tutorial Without PINS

4 Hijab Styles Tutorial Without using Pins

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